Monday, December 10, 2007

Word to the Wise

I love my blog, I love sharing glimpses of my life, my family, my home and of course my vast expanse of knowledge. Oh, and did I mention we are virtually socked in by an ice storm? Lots of ice, ice on utility wires, roads, trees and my yard. My yard is a sheet of smooth, glossy, slick ICE, approximately 1 acre of ICE. I decided that I could not live without venturing across said ice to storage, leading (being led, or dragged) by one chubby, overly excited and amazingly strong pomeranian to retrieve this (pictured above), a mangy, moth eaten boar's head and not Christmas colored ribbon, that doesn't match any wrapping paper I own. Well, this expedition obviously doesn't have a happy ending, I am now acquainted and intimately familiar with the "hiney tingle" of which speaks. My hiney tingle is NOT a good thing. Furthermore, what in the HELL am I going to do with this pig head and ribbon now that I've got it! So much for my 'vast expanse of knowledge'.


Hope said...

Now that is just scarey lookin...the ugly boar's head, not the ribbon!! lol Please tell me that thing is NOT going to be part of your Christmas decoration...please, please....

Chris Brown said...

I LOVE the boar head display. Very Urban Prairie!


High Desert Diva said...
