I've been tagged by Hope at Second Time Around for a meme. Seven weird or unusual facts about me, limiting it to that will be the trick.
1. I went to 35 different schools before graduating high school, and no my dad was not in the service, but that's what I told everyone.
2. I wish I could have been a set designer for movies or a detective.
3. I know how to train a bird dog.
4. I love to laugh, I make fun of everything and everyone, especially me.
5. I have turned into a sci-fi geek, I have been caught watching Battlestar Galactica and have adopted the words 'frack' and 'godsdam'.
6. The stranger something is the better I like it, I have turtle shells and feathers in my china hutch.
7.When my dad would ride his cutting horse, I would be his cow, for training purposes. Very good aerobic workout.
I am tagging Wanda at Snapdragon Antiques, Brandi at Order Envy, Holly at Sweetheartville, Kali girl, Jackie Sue and BBC.