Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I'm not sure what is more disturbing, my fascination with bones, skulls, feathers, etc., or the fact that I know exactly where some of them came from. You'll notice this example above appears to be a dinosaur skull. Well at least that's what my son thought when he brought it home, back when he was totally into dinosaurs, sharks and whales, I think he was 3 at the time. And that is what we let him think for as long as he wanted. In fact, this skull is a horse, more particularly a horse named Boone, (after the local barber, who my husband bought him from.) And Boone's cause of death, domestic violence. Boone went off into another pasture to visit the lady horses, and quite obviously his advances were rejected. A well aimed kick to the forehead spelled the end for Boone. But the beginning of several home decorating opportunities for me. Weird? Definitely.


Karen from A`Musements said...

Christie I really think you should have gotten out of that Pres. of Man From U.N.C.L.E gig, and gone with your natural calling: Prop mistress for The Addams Family.
Takes one to know one.

Lady Lavona said...

Hello Love!
Thank you for stopping by to visit me! I can tell I'm gonna love your blog too...Bones and feathers...such a guilty pleasure!

Kalibitch said...

oooh pretty!

KE said...


yellowdoggranny said...

it's beautiful...odd....but beautiful..

design dna said...

i really love this. i am starting to get a complex about my fascination with animals and such, dead or alive...more the dead part. i truly LOVE animals but they are so interesting in every state. folks around my blog are starting to wonder....