I haven't felt like a "cup half-full" kind of girl for quite some time. But things are different these days and I feel deep within my bones that things are going to be ok, not just ok, but good, well not just good, but great! I don't know why that my outlook should change so drastically perhaps it's just some sort of chemical imbalance or the onset of dementia. The news is full of very worrisome things. In spite of the fact that our country has finally elected to change what has been the status quo, there is a daunting task in front of our new leader. He will indeed need a righteous wind at his back to begin to repair the damage our country has suffered. So if this guy is optimistic and you are optimistic then I can be optimistic. I don't have a whole country to fix just a very small corner to work on, no bigger than the square footage of my humble little house. Surely the things I do here can make a positive change in my life and in the lives of those near me. Last night, in our little town (this is tiny town America, not Times Square) at the stroke of midnight, there were fireworks, not just a few, but all over our town. I stood in the cold till I couldn't stand it anymore, then peered out of my breath fogged window at the sparkly vision. I couldn't believe how many people were so excited to ring in a New Year and this year, so am I. A happy healthy and prosperous New Year to you all!
Great attitude!
I used to live in a village of about 4000 people. There was one bank in town, and on New Year's Eve someone would get up on the roof and lower a beach ball covered with glitter and several hundred people would gather and cheer.
Small town life is so great!
Right on Sister!!! You can just feel it in the air, there is a sense of hope...the mistakes were made and we are suffering because of it, we weren't paying attention. But now, eyes wide open, a sense of hope in our hearts...we can make the change...one person at a time!!!
Happy New year Christie!!!
I am very much looking forward to this new year and our new commander in chief!
This is going to be a great year for us!
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