Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Fab Five

Yes, this is one of Martha's ideas, she did glittered skulls and bones under glass. Of course Martha's are perfect and mine are kind of moldly looking with patchy glitter (that wouldn't stick in some spots), which only reinforces the fact that I am definitely not Martha. I've used miscellaneous candleholders, green spanish moss and really cheap skulls with green glitter. I like it. My kids are always afraid I will use something like this year round....now there's an idea.


yellowdoggranny said...

there is something so.
.....final about skeletons and skulls

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your glittered green skulls!!! Waaay better than Martha's (her STAFF'S) stuff... I have tried gel medium for gluing on plastic, and it seems to adhere better. (I paint the glue onto the surface with a regular craft paint brush). The color is FAB and the texture it gives is incredible... very eeerrriieeee, Christie!!!

oldefrostfarm1780 said...

These are amazing!!...LOVE Them!!
Have a Wonderfully SpOOky Eve

High Desert Diva said...

Ha ha! These are fantastic!

Owlfarmer said...

Hmmm. Maybe this is what I should do with the nutria skull I have squirreled away somewhere. I do think yours have more character than Martha's.